Player Self Assessment Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Contact Number (required) Health Questions Have you had a high temperature? (required) YesNo Have you had shortness of breath? (required) YesNo Have you had a new continuous cough? (required) YesNo Have you had a sore throat? (required) YesNo Have you had a loss or change in your sense of smell or taste? (required) YesNo Have you been feeling generally unwell? (required) YesNo Have you been been in contact with anyone suspected or confirmed to be infected with COVID-19? (required) YesNo Have you read the OKFC risk assessment and latest FA guidance? (required) Of course I haveNo Your information will only be held as required to allow us to play matches in accordance with the FA’s recommendations. If you have answered yes to any of the questions above you should discuss with the team whether or not you can join our sessions/matches. Δ Please read the following guidance from the FA – Loading… Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab